2 both...and...的否定式、not either ...or ...、no …and no…的否定式的区别

both...and...的否定式、not either ...or ...no …and no…的否定式的区别

如:You can’t speak both German and English.

Both my father and my mother aren’t doctors.

She isn ’t either a student or a teacher.

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最佳答案 2022-03-01 15:14


1. both...and用于否定时语义的确比较模糊,表示“并非两者都......”,是一个不完全否定式(否定两者之一),但究竟是肯定前者还是肯定后者并不清楚。如果没有both,那么根据《葛传槼英语惯用法词典》中的观点,一般是肯定前者,否定后者。例如:

He did not speak clearly and correctly. 他不曾讲得清楚而正确。(他讲得清楚,但不正确。)《葛传槼英语惯用法词典》

2. 至于She isn’t either a student or a teacher.,好题老师已经将其与She is neither a student nor a teacher.划了等号,也就是说not either...or = neither...nor

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You can’t speak both German and English. 

        这个句子可能有不同的理解:1. 完全否定:德语和英语你都不会。2.你不是德英都不会,会其中一种。你的句子这种可能性比较大。3. 否定的重心是你,张三能说德语和英语,你不行。第三种情况往往要根据语境判断。所以为了避免模糊,both 一般不用于否定句。此句改为:You can speak neither German or English.  你两种语言都不会。

Both my father and my mother aren’t doctors.这个句子通常指父母都不是医生。口语里有时会这样用。但正式文体要用neither..nor...

She isn ’t either a student or a teacher. =She is neither a student nor a teacher.  指她既不是学生也不是老师。

我给你两个例句你体会一下:1.So, that underlying trend is not either good or bad, it is some of each.2. Economic, social reality is not either black or white.

No+noun的用法一般是否定后面的名词。如:No questions have been asked. 

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  • shaoruyi1234   提出于 2022-02-10 16:59