2 play sports, have sports, do sports区别


play sports, have sports, do sports有区别吗?如:

They like sports very much, and they often ____ sports with their friends after school.

A. like  B. play  C. go  D. have.

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最佳答案 2022-03-01 15:14

从网友对这个问题多次提问来看,已困惑很久了。对于你提供的这道题,答案只能选B play. 当然,如果答案有do, 也是可以选的。从使用频率看,play sports 最常见,其次do sports.  这两个意思基本相同,可以互换。have sports 比较少见,多指开展体育活动,一般不能和play/do sports 替换。我给你提供几个外刊例句,供你参考,望能解惑。

1. When time allowed and I wasn't doing odd jobs, I would play sports with friends at their homes or at public parks or playgrounds. 

2.Some people don't think girls and boys should play sports together. 

3.How often do you do sports and when do you usually do it? 

4. When I did go to do sports with the other French kids, basically they were not any different from any others. 

5. It is a signal, because all of the discussed metropolitan regions have sports and use sports for their developments. 

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其它 3 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

      在英式英语中可以用do sport 或者play sports ;在美式英语中可以用do sports 或者play sports 表示参加体育运动。所以, B. play是正确答案。

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凡哥英语   - 归师



Do这个词,在语法书、教材或讲课中,经常被用来替代具体的动词:do sth,to do sth,doing sth...... 为什么?因为它是排名第一的万能动词,做实义动词时可以替代英语中任何实义动词(有实际意义的动词)。有动词界的“万金油”之称----什么病都能用,但什么病都治不好。比如你想说:“隔壁富豪不在家,我来砸门你撬窗!” 结果“砸”和“撬”这两个动词的英文不会说,你就可以说 I do the door and you do the window!除了让人觉得你这人比较low,没文化,没读什么书外,还真没什么毛病。所以它就是块狗皮膏药,虽然上不了台面,但也不会坏事,任何病都能凑合凑合。因此,在考实义动词的选项中,一般不会出现do和其它实义动词一起出现的情况,比如您的这道题。


做实义动词用的时候,它就是“有/拥有”的意思。我要“上”什么课,也就是“”什么课的意思。所以你那道题如果用have的话,只能理解(具体措辞是另外回事)为“上”、“有” 体育课,而不是球或从事体育运动。但问题是,题目中提到了“after shcool”。


本意就是玩耍的意思。不过表达这种纯粹的玩的含义,多半用于小孩,百无禁忌。但是成人要表达这种纯粹玩的含义,play一般只用于两种情况:1)“玩”乐器--后面接钢琴、吉他之类的乐器;2)“玩”体育--比如足球、篮球等;除此之外,成人用play(with...)的话,多指have sex(with...) 



一家之言 仅供参考;勤查英英 必有所获!

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陈才   - 英语教师

They like sports very much, and they often  play sports with their friends after school.

A. like  B. play  C. go  D. have.

解答:B为正确答案。play sports with sb 和某人进行体育运动比赛




(1)play sports 强调的是发挥/参与/体育运动或者比赛

He is very healthy, because he always play sports.  他很健康, 因为他经常参加体育运动。

Tom often plays sports with his classmates after school. 汤姆经常在放学后和他的同学进行体育运动比赛。

We will play sports or go on a picnic.  我们将做户外运动或去野餐。

Do you play sports regularly?  你平常可能定期做运动 ?

(2)have sports强调的是有体育运动/体育课

You have sports today. Don't forget to put on your jogging suit and sneakers. 

今天有体育课, 别忘了穿运动衣和运动鞋.

(3)do sports强调的是做运动.进行体育锻炼

My sister and I both like doing sports.  姐和我都喜欢做运动。

Don't forget to do sports.  同时不要忘了做运动.

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