


Mr. Kurien felt down with the life in his house ______ decided to move into this old age home here in Hyderabad.

Founded in the 14th century, the Ancient City of Ping Yao is an outstanding example of Han cities. It keeps all the Han city features, provides a complete picture of the cultural, social, economic and religious development in Chinese history, ______ it is of great value for studying the social form, economic structure, military defense, religious belief, traditional thinking, traditional ethics and dwelling form.



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最佳答案 2022-02-19 22:04

so严格讲不是并列连词,而是连接副词。但在并列句中,第二个并列分句的and so +主谓结构,and常可以省略,于是很多词典把so也分类为并列连词了。但我们必须清楚,and 可以并列二个名词、二个动词、二个介词短语,如 Tom and John,  come and go,  但我们不能用so并列二个名词或动词的。三项或以上并列,我们可以说ABC and D。但不能说ABC so D。所以你的以上二个句子中都不能用so,只能用and

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