1. an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary:
◎ the habit of looking both ways before crossing the street.
2. customary practice or use:
◎ Daily bathing is an American habit.
3. a particular practice, custom, or usage:
◎ the habit of shaking hands.
4. a dominant or regular disposition or tendency; prevailing character or quality:
◎ She has a habit of looking at the bright side of things.
5. addiction, esp. to narcotics (often prec. by the).
6. mental character or disposition:
◎ a habit of mind.
7. characteristic bodily or physical condition.
8. the characteristic form, aspect, mode of growth, etc., of an organism:
◎ a twining habit.
9. the characteristic crystalline form of a mineral.
10. garb of a particular rank, profession, religious order, etc.:
◎ a monk’s habit.
11. the attire worn by a rider of a saddle horse.
12. to clothe; array.
Syn. 2. bent, wont. 3. See custom. 10. dress, costume. 12. dress, garb, attire; deck out.
你的推测是对的,并不是《兰登书屋韦氏美语学习词典》,也不是《兰登书屋韦氏大学词典》,我在想,既然把habit的解释列了这么多,那肯定不是一个小部头的书能干出的事。我核实过了确实是兰登书屋的词典,全名叫“Random House Websters Unabridged Dictionary”,我核对过确实无误,我没有这本书的纸质版,我是看的一个chm版的格式确认的:
habit1/hab"it/, n.1. an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary: the habit of looking both ways before crossing the street.2. customary practice or use: Daily bathing is an American habit.3. a particular practice, custom, or usage: the habit of shaking hands.4. a dominant or regular disposition or tendency; prevailing character or quality: She has a habit of looking at the bright side of things.5. addiction, esp. to narcotics (often prec. by the).6. mental character or disposition: a habit of mind.7. characteristic bodily or physical condition.8. the characteristic form, aspect, mode of growth, etc., of an organism: a twining habit.9. the characteristic crystalline form of a mineral.10. garb of a particular rank, profession, religious order, etc.: a monk's habit.11. the attire worn by a rider of a saddle horse.v.t.12. to clothe; array.[1175-1225; ME < L habitus state, style, practice, equiv. to habi- (var. s. of habere to have) + -tus verbal n. suffix; r. ME abit < OF]Syn. 2. bent, wont. 3. See custom. 10. dress, costume. 12. dress, garb, attire; deck out.habit2/hab"it/, v.t.1. Archaic. to dwell in.v.i.2. Obs. to dwell.[1325-75; ME habiten < L habitare to inhabit; see HABITAT]