2 过去完成时的理解难点

To believe such a story one would have to believe in fairy tales! Hans Christian knew many such tales. He had heard some of them from his father, who had worked hard at his trade, but liked to read better than to make shoes. In the evenings, he had read aloud from The Arabian Nights. His wife understood very little of the book, but the boy, pretending to sleep, understood every word.


had heard some of them from his father, 这里用过去完成时,我能完全理解。但是had worked hardhad read aloud这里为什么要用过去完成时呢?

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最佳答案 2021-09-05 20:16

who he 都是指父亲。他之所以了解神话故事,是因为当初父亲晚上常大声朗读《一千零一夜》. 这是倒叙,所以用过去完成时,以he knew many such tales这个一般过去时的时间为参照点。为了避免重复,在听话人或读者搞清楚了时间关系后,过去完成时就被一般过去时所代替了。例如最后一句的二个understood

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  • Eric198226   提出于 2021-09-04 19:57
