

He was sure there were lots of people called potter who had a son called Harry. Come to think of it, he wasn't even sure his nephew was called Harry. … There was no point in worrying his wife, …


1. He was sure (that)+从句、I'm glad (that)+从句等,这类主系表结构中的形容词后加的从句,具体是哪类从句?按现代语法是补足语从句吗?

2. come to think of it具体做什么句子成分,也算评注类状语(表对自己说的话的注释)吗?且为什么come用的是动词原型,此处come不是非谓语动词吗?

3. there was no point in worrying his wife.这句:



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最佳答案 2021-08-12 10:08

1 表语形容词后接that从句,这个that从句究竟是什么从句,有不同的解释。传统语法中有认为that从句是状语从句,有认为that从句是形容词的宾语从句。现代语法认为that从句是表语形容词的补足语。我目前按照现代语法的观点分析。that从句是解释形容词的,使形容词的语义完整。

2 come to think of it 为固定习语,作评注性状语,表示说话人突然意识到或者想起后面的句子的内容。Come 的逻辑主语为说话人。

the freedictionary: come to think of it

A set phrase used when one has had a sudden realization.

Yeah, come to think of it, Dave was at the party, too.

I know a faster route we can take, come to think of it.

3 in doing sth 分析为point的定语为宜,做某事的意义。no+名词中,no为中位限定词。no = not any any 为中位限定词)。no+名词,为名词否定句。I don't speak any English. I speak no English. 名词否定句的否定意味更为强烈一些。

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  • dios 提出于 2021-08-07 12:00