
The days were approaching when the lovers had to depart.

The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that faraway village.

All is not gold that glitters.


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最佳答案 2015-09-20 10:23



She keeps in the garden some of the most lovable little rabbits you ever saw. 她在花园里养着一些你所见到过的最可爱的小兔。

宾语较长而状语太短,故将地点状语in the garden提到宾语前,造成动宾分隔。


He has promised to really unite the people in the company. 他许诺要真正团结全公司的人。(修饰unite)


He has really promised to unite the people in the company. 他确实许诺要团结全公司的人。(really修饰has promised)

He has promised to unite the people in the company really.(really可能修饰promised,也可能修饰unite,造成歧义。)


Happy people, as especially in individualistic Western cultures, like themselves. 快乐的人都十分赏识自我表现,这在强调个性的西方文化中显得尤为突出。

Happy people like themselves.一句本身已很短,本句中插入成分as especially in individualistic Western cultures因此显得很醒目,这样做的目的在于强调。


It was, as I said, not to be liked. 正如我所说的那样,这是不招人喜欢的。

as I said现置于句中造成句子分隔,说出时有所停顿,句式显得较灵活。



The problem arose of what to do with the money.

I have a picture here of a man who knew the address.

We heard the story from his own lips of how he was stranded for days without food.

The time is coming to prepare for Christmas.

There is no report to us of any accident.

I must try to make as careful a study as I can of the accident.


All are not friends that speak us fair.

It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, when for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.

The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that far-away village.

The days are gone when we Chinese were bullied by the invaders.

The village has developed a lot where we learned farming two years ago.

After graduation she reached a point in her career where she headed to decide what to do.

Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.“后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。”


1. Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers ________ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law. (江西卷)

A. where                   B. when                      C. who                      D. which

2. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread our further, ________ New York is an example. (四川卷)

A. for which                B. in which                C. of which               D. from which

3. The film brought the hours back to me _______I was taken good care of in that faraway village.(全国卷)

A. until  B. that   C. when  D. where

4. He is the only one of the students who_______ a winner of scholarship for three years. (上海春)

A. is  B. are   C. have been   D. has been

5. This is the biggest nature park for milu deer in China ________ they have visited.

A. where                      B. in which                 C. that                    D. which

6. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ________, of course, made the others unhappy.

A. who                       B. which                    C. this                           D. that

(1)  Is this museum ________ some German friends visited the day before yesterday?

A. which                     B. where                     C. that                         D. the one

(2) Is this the museum ________ some German friends visited the day before yesterday?

A. in which                   B. where                   C. that                     D. the one

 (说明:原3, 4题已删除,因与该内容不符)

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  • qianyi0129 提出于 2015-09-19 21:30
