by which 是什么语法结构


The distance by which these accidentals change the pitch is called a semitone.


我知道 accidental是升降记号的意思,semiton是半音的意思,但 by which 是什么语法结构呢?请各位老师指点一下!

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最佳答案 2021-07-21 13:15


The distance by which these accidentals change the pitch is called a semitone.

by which 引导定语从句,即by which these accidentals change the pitch 是修饰 distance 的定语从句。which 是关系代词,指代先行词 distance


下面是几个含有 by which 引导定语从句的例子,你可以体会和比较一下:

Ratings are the yardstick by which TV shows are evaluated by networks. 收视率是产播电视网衡量电视节目的标准。

We don’t have a common yardstick by which to compare the two cases. 我们没有一个共同的标准来比较这两种情况。

Testing is still the usual means by which students’ progress is measured. 考试仍是衡量学生进步程度的惯用手段。

The couple have an arrangement by which they each contribute equally to the cost of the house. 夫妇双方协议,平均分担购房的费用。

She says we need to depoliticize the process by which judges are chosen. 她说我们应该让选备法官的程序不受政治影响。

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  • 宋霖 提出于 2021-07-20 15:31