“Time began in a garden”is a quotation referring to the Christian Bible legend of the Garden of Eden where,Christian belief says,human life began at the dawn of Creation,and from having been eternal,humans became subject to the decay of time.“时间始于花园”这个说法来自基督教圣经的传说。基督教徒说,人类生活始于创世纪伊始的伊甸园,自从永生不再后,人类便受制于时间上的衰减。
请问老师这句话的from having been eternal并没有否定含义啊,为什么翻译上写的是“自从永生不再后”呢?
基督教认为上帝用泥土创造了人类。泥土是没有生命的,是永恒的eternal。当人类由泥土变成人类,也就由being eternal 变成了 be subject to the decay of time. 介词from后接动名词完成体,表示人类在上帝创世之前的状态——having being eternal. 一旦上帝创造出人类,人类就became subject to the decay of time.