3 get sb through是什么意思


We've got our triple-P method that'll get you through that next public speaking gig.


我对句子中get you through这个结构不理解,我理解get在这里像 makehave或是help一样,有使、帮助某人如何…的含义,那get后面应该是一个动词或者是动词短语才对啊,怎么可以使用一个介词through呢?

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最佳答案 2021-06-22 16:09

get through 为动词+介词构成的短语动词,get可以及物也可以不及物。其意义之一为:

get through 1. To finish or assist in finishing:

The rat got through the maze.

His mother got him through the college application

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  • 学英语 提出于 2021-06-22 15:27