2 passed over的疑问

老师,我在学习 VOA Special English过程中遇到了一些问题:


At least 23 people died and 79 were injured Monday when part of the Mexico City metro system collapsed onto a roadway. Train cars fell about five meters onto the busy street below. Four bodies were trapped inside a train car but rescuers could not remove them. One concrete support broke as the train passed over the railroad causing the accident. 周一,墨西哥城部分地铁系统坍塌坠落至地面,造成至少23人死亡,另有79人受伤。列车车厢从约五米高的地方坠落到下面繁忙的街道上。四具尸体被困在一个列车车厢内,但救援人员无法将其运走。一个混凝土支柱在列车通过铁路时断裂,继而引发事故。


1. passed over: 这个词组在词典里是【略过】的意思,但在本句中,显然不是这个意思,应该如何理解这个词组?

2. causing: 这是现在分词作伴随状语吗?如何理解这个分词?


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最佳答案 2021-06-15 11:21

One concrete support broke as the train passed over the railroad causing the accident.

学习一个词组,首先应知道本义,然后是引申义和比喻义。其实,本句 passed over 是本义越过,穿过。网友说的略过是引申义,是漏掉;忽略之意。
causing the accident
,是现在分词短语,作主句谓语动词 broke 发生后的结果状语,或者整个前文的结果状语。

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  • 英语学习者 提出于 2021-06-15 10:15
