
introduction 后有时接介词 to,有时接介词 of,请问这有什么讲究吗?

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最佳答案 2015-09-09 14:05

▲表示“对…的介绍、引见、前言、序言、体验、入门书”等,其后通常都接介词 to。如:

one’s introduction to modern jazz 某人对现代爵士音乐的初次接触

I have finished my introduction to the book. 我已经写好了该书的序言。

This course is designed as an introduction to the subject. 这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而开设的。

The course commences with a one week introduction to Art Theory. 这门课程开始的第一周是介绍艺术理论。

My introduction to drama was through an amateur dramatic society. 我对戏剧的初次接触是通过一个业余戏剧社开始的。

▲表示“对……采用、采纳、实施、引进、引入”等,通常用介词 of。如:

the introduction of new teaching methods 新教学方法的采用

I move that we support the introduction of this law. 我提议我们支持采纳这一法律。

The introduction of such a tax would be contrary to our policy. 开征这一税种与我们的政策背道而驰。

They are planning the introduction of legislation against sex discrimination. 他们计划出台反性别歧视的法规。

The introduction of new car engines caused excitement in the automobile business. 新的汽车发动机的引进使汽车业兴奋了一阵。

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  • 1 收藏,21772 浏览
  • 王思成   提出于 2015-09-07 22:36
