
If your complaint is immediate, suppose you got the wrong order at a restaurant, make a polite but firm request to see the manager.请问老师 to see the manager是修饰request的定语吗,而且是动宾关系?翻译成要求见经理?If you act like someone who expects a fair request to be granted, chances are it will be granted.这里to be granted也是定语修饰request吗?也是动宾关系翻译成要求被给予?他为什么用被动语态,是因为他逻辑主语是you对吗?

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最佳答案 2021-04-29 17:49

通常所说的不定式作定语表示动宾关系,是指被修饰名词在逻辑上是不定式的宾语。例如,I have a letter to send. 被修饰名词 a letter是不定式to send的逻辑宾语。你的句子…make a polite but firm request to see the manager中,不定式to see the manager作定语修饰名词request,但却不是通常所说的动宾关系,即request并不是不定式的逻辑宾语。相反,request在这里是动词request的同源名词,不定式是动词request的宾语。由于不定式与该动词有搭配关系,该动词的同源名词与不定式仍然保持搭配关系,但语法上名词不能有宾语,则把不定式分析为名词的定语,名词与不定式的逻辑关系分析为同位关系,即the request is to see the manager

who expects a fair request to be granted 这个句子中的to be granted并不是定语,而是expects的宾语补足语。宾补与宾语为被动关系,所以不定式用被动语态。

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