译文:The music was agreeable to the ear.
问:我认为这里把“the ear”改为ears才对,因为耳朵是复数名词,这里却用了单数又加the是怎么回事?
这句话的意思指音乐在听觉上的感受,用单数。如果用复数,意思是对耳朵本身如何,似乎是人的耳朵本身有鉴赏力,这是不符合逻辑的。如果要描述一种声音对耳朵产生的刺激,如噪音,用复数ears,如:Suddenly, a clap of thunder roared in their ears.
[singular] (单数)
b — used to describe the way something sounds to you
It sounds a little old-fashioned to my ear. [=it sounds old-fashioned to me]
另例:a sound that grates on the ear.
在有些习语里,也常有用单数的,如: to have an ear for... to play it by ear 等。