must have been to 是什么用法和表示什么含义

I found Dirk waiting for me on the steps. He seemed to see nothing, and did not notice that I had joined him till I touched him on the arm. We walked along in silence. I tried to imagine what had happened to drive the poor creature to that dreadful step. I presumed that Strickland knew what had happened, for someone must have been to see him from the police, and he must have made his statement. I did not know where he was. I supposed he had gone back to the shabby attic which served him as a studio. It was curious that she should not wish to see him. Perhaps she refused to have him sent for because she knew he would refuse to come. I wondered what an abyss of cruelty she must have looked into that in horror she refused to live.

上面黑体字中, for someone must have been to see him from the police: must have been to - 这里表示推测,原来是be to结构吧?用在这种must have been to结构中,表示什么意思呢?

另外,结尾处,黑体字中that in horror中的that是引导定语从句she refused to live作宾语吧?

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最佳答案 2021-03-28 18:09

1 for someone must have been to see him from the police

must have been to see无疑是be to do结构,而be用了must have done形式,为对过去做的肯定的推测。如果句子用was to see him则意为在故事讲到这里的时候,to see him这个安排中的动作还没有发生。现在用must have been to see him, 则是推测在故事讲到这个地方的时候,肯定已经安排人作了该动作了,即肯定安排某人去警局接他出来了。must have been to do sth这种结构不多见。但它不外乎是个be to do结构,与must  have done结合起来理解即可。

2 that从句为结果状语从句。注意前面what an abyss引导名词性感叹分句。其对应的陈述分句为 She must have looked into such an abyss that in horror she refused to live. 这样,such ... that...引导结果状语从句就更清楚了。

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