▲put / lay stress on sth 强调
Pugh laid particular stress on the need for discipline. 皮尤特别强调纪律的必要性。
Grandmother put a great deal of stress on the importance of proper behavior. 祖母非常强调行为得体的重要性。
Many language experts lay stress on reading as the only efficient method of developing a large vocabulary. 许多语言学专家强调,阅读是掌握大量词汇的唯一最有效方法。
▲lay emphasis on sth 强调
The examination instructions lay emphasis on completing the correct number of questions in the limited time. 考试指令强调在规定时间内答完规定数量的问题。
Schools here put/place/lay great emphasis on written work and grammar. 这里的学校特别重视写作和文法。
▲emphasize 强调
Their father always emphasized the importance of discipline. 他们的父亲总是强调纪律的重要性。
He wanted to emphasize to us that he hadn't meant to offend anyone. 他想强调的是他没打算冒犯任何人。
▲stress 强调
The report stressed that student math skills need to improve. 报告着重指出学生的数学能力需要提高。
Crawford stressed the need for more housing downtown. 克劳福德强调在市中心需要更多的住宅。
She stressed the importance of a balanced diet. 她强调了均衡饮食的重要性。