张道真《英语语法大全》上册第 596 页:
She is enthusiastic to advise him. ×
She is enthusiastic enough to advise him.√
The dog is clever to understand you.×
The dog is clever enough to understand you.√
The road is long to reach your village.×
The road is long enough to reach your village.√
有点不太理解为何张道真教授说 enthusiastic, clever, long 后必须加 enough,是从句意角度吗?搜了下 COCA,enthusiastic to 有 68 条,enthusiastic enough to 仅有 6 条。谢谢各位老师!
be enthusiastic to do sth. (正。趋向形容词与不定式搭配,表示情态意义“热心做某事”,类似ready, eager, anxious, curious to do 等用法)
be clever to do sth.(正。品质形容词与不定式搭配也很常见,不定式动作是品质的具体体现。还可说:It is clever of sb. to do sth.)
be long to do sth.(误。度量形容词与不定式搭配,需加上程度副词 enough,让不定式作结果状语)
前两个搭配加上enough,也正确,但不是必须。加 enough 后,跟第三个一样,不定式变成结果状语。