...tell whether it was that of a man or a woman. 中的that of怎么理解?

The room had been fashioned into a small museum, and the walls were lined by a number of glass-topped cases full of that collection of butterflies and moths the formation of which had been the relaxation of this complex and dangerous man. In the centre of this room there was an upright beam, which had been placed at some period as a support for the old worm-eaten baulk of timber which spanned the roof. To this post a figure was tied, so swathed and muffled in the sheets which had been used to secure it that one could not for the moment tell whether it was that of a man or a woman. One towel passed round the throat and was secured at the back of the pillar. Another covered the lower part of the face, and over it two dark eyes -- eyes full of grief and shame and a dreadful questioning -- stared back at us. In a minute we had torn off the gag, unswathed the bonds, and Mrs. Stapleton sank upon the floor in front of us. As her beautiful head fell upon her chest I saw the clear red weal of a whiplash across her neck.

"The brute!" cried Holmes. "Here, Lestrade, your brandybottle! Put her in the chair! She has fainted from ill-usage and exhaustion."

She opened her eyes again.

请教老师: one could not for the moment tell whether it was that of a man or a woman. 出现的that of 怎么理解? 为什么不是whether it was a man or a woman ? 没搞懂这里的that of怎么回事。

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最佳答案 2021-02-07 14:01

我曾不止一次告诉你,读句子要注意上下文联系,注意语境。这个完整的句子是:To this post a figure was tied, so swathed and muffled in the sheets which had been used to secure it that one could not for the moment tell whether it was that of a man or a woman. 柱子上绑着一个人,英语用figure一个人的形状,人形。这个人被床单裹着,分辨不出男女。that为名词替代词,替代the figure. 男人的形状还是女人的形状。你看句子看了后面忘了前面,就会觉得这里that是多余的。其实一点都不多余。

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