when no food was to be 是什么意思?

It was tantalising to get no more than hints into a character that interested me so much. It was like making one's way through a mutilated manuscript. I received the impression of a life which was a bitter struggle against every sort of difficulty; but I realised that much which would have seemed horrible to most people did not in the least affect him. Strickland was distinguished from most Englishmen by his perfect indifference to comfort; it did not irk him to live always in one shabby room; he had no need to be surrounded by beautiful things. I do not suppose he had ever noticed how dingy was the paper on the wall of the room in which on my first visit I found him. He did not want arm-chairs to sit in; he really felt more at his ease on a kitchen chair. He ate with appetite, but was indifferent to what he ate; to him it was only food that he devoured to still the pangs of hunger; and when no food was to be had he seemed capable of doing without. I learned that for six months he had lived on a loaf of bread and a bottle of milk a day. He was a sensual man, and yet was indifferent to sensual things. He looked upon privation as no hardship. There was something impressive in the manner in which he lived a life wholly of the spirit.

请教老师:这一句and when no food was to be had he seemed capable of doing without. 没看懂,麻烦老师分析一下句法结构和含义,谢谢!

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最佳答案 2021-02-01 16:03

when no food was to be had he seemed capable of doing without. =
when no food was to be eaten he seemed capable of doing without it.

语言追求简练,尤其口语。这是在介词 without 后省略了宾语的结果。it = food。这里,do 为不及物动词,意思是“行;可以”,即我们常说的 It will do. 而 do without 的意思是“没有(食物)也行;也能应付”。


下列句子中,在 in 之后省略了表示时间、地点” 的名词;在 between 之后省略了其他相应的名词,都可以根据上文补充完整。在分析时应按照省略前的分析。把以下两组句子的来龙去脉弄清楚。要想知道第3句的意思和演变,请看1, 2句:

1. The city lies in a place between New York and Chicago.
2. The city lies in between New York and Chicago.
3. The city lies in between.
1. He has breakfast and supper and doesn't eat anything in any time between them.
2. He has breakfast and supper and doesn't eat anything in between them. 
3. He has breakfast and supper and doesn't eat anything in between.

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