by the narrowest margins与by the narrowest of margins

He lost the race by the narrowest of margins . 他以极小的差距在赛跑中落败。


不明白为什么要多加一个of? narrowest是形容词的最高级,为什么不直接修饰margin


改成He lost the race by the narrowest margin 正确吗?


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最佳答案 2021-02-01 15:45

蒋老师把by the narrowest of margins视为习语,对初学者是一种可行的办法。

其实“the + 最高级 + of +复数名词”是一种表强调的结构,表示“非常/极其……”的意思。如:

She had the sweetest of smiles. 她笑起来非常甜美。

He spoke in the softest of voices. 他讲话的声音非常柔和。

She was the gentlest of nurses. 她是个极其和蔼的护士。

He remained unbending under the severest of tortures. 他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。

The space is big enough only for the smallest of cars. 这快空地只够停一辆最小的车。

He keeps calling on the flimsiest of pretexts. 他不停地说着完全站不住脚的借口。

His cheerful face brightens up the dullest of days. 他的笑脸让最乏味的日子变得充满生气。

Their graves are marked by the simplest of gravestones. 他们的坟墓只有最简陋的墓碑。

I warn you, this dessert is only for the strongest of stomachs. 我提醒你,这甜点只有胃口特强的人才能吃。

注:这类用法中的介词 of 通常不宜省略,因为它其实是一种表示强调的修饰手法。若省略介词 of 并将其后的名词改成单数,比如说成:He lost the race by the narrowest margin,则 the narrowest(最窄小)属于通常意义的最高级用法,失去了强调的意味。

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蒋学文   - 英语教师

by the narrowest of margins 是习语,意思是“以极微弱的优势”。注意该习语必须有介词ofmargin必须用复数。如:

He lost the race by the narrowest of margins. 他以极小的差距在赛跑中落败。

The poll shows that the government is leading by the narrowest of margins. 民意调查显示,政府以极其微弱的优势领先。

比较by a narrow margin(以微弱优势):

He won by a narrow margin. 他以微弱优势获胜了。

Bush won the election by a narrow margin (=by a very small amount). 布什以微弱优势贏得了选举。

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  • yxy39 提出于 2021-01-26 19:54
