

Jane: The young folks today are so shocking. Why, when I was their age, you wouldn’t kiss your husband in public, let alone some of the things these children do! 

Alan: Other times, other manners. 

不明白句中 when I was their age, you wouldn’t kiss your husband in public 这个主从复合句中的主语不一致的用法。为什么 when I was their age 中用 I 作主语,后面又用 you 作主语呢?

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最佳答案 2015-08-30 22:17


1. 在口语和非正式书面语中,You可以用来泛指 “任何人”: In spoken English and informal written English, “you” is sometimes used to refer to people in general. 

Getting good results gives you confidence. 取得好的结果会给人以信心。

You can never tell what will happen in the future. 谁都不敢说将来会发生什么事。

所以说,你句中的you 不表示“你本人”,也不表示“你们”,而是指“那时的人们”。

 2. 另一方面,When I was their age, you wouldn’t kiss your husband in public. 句中When I was their age 只是为主句动作的发生提供了一个时间,这跟主从句的主语不一致没有关系。举例说:我现在50岁,你20岁。我在你年龄时就相当于Thirty years ago,只是提供了一个时间而已。上句完全可以改为:Thirty years ago, you wouldn’t kiss your husband in public.

为什么 when I was their age 中用 I 作主语,后面又用 you 作主语呢?———语言中主句和从句的主语不一致的情况,那太正常了。例如:

When you were asleep, I ate your candy.

When I was thirty, she got married to me.


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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

这里的 you 不是“你(们)”,而是泛指“人们”、“任何人”。

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  • 刘智   提出于 2015-07-24 23:24
