There he was served with a plate of soup.
请问句中的 a plate of soup 用得对吗?它是表示“一盘汤”吗?如果是表示“一盘汤”,这是一种什么样的盘子呢?换句话,盘子可装汤吗?请老师赐教!非常感谢!
There he was served with a plate of soup. 在那儿,他给端上了一盘汤。
关于能否说 a plate of soup,这个属于习惯问题,很少见到这样的表达。生活中,一般都是用有深度的容器盛汤。例如:
Would you like another bowl of soup? 请再喝一碗汤好吗?
He drank a spoonful of soup and found it tasty. 他品尝了一匙汤,觉得很可口。
She warmed a pan of soup on the stove. 她在炉子上热一锅汤。
Clementina gave me a plate of soup and spilled some of it on my hand. 克莱门蒂娜端给我一盘汤,可溅到了我手上。