

A charge of throwing a bomb with intent to kill, which charge carries the death penalty, was dropped by the crown.

A charge of throwing a bomb with intent to kill, which carries the death penalty, was dropped by the crown.

第一句which是关系限定词,而第二句which是关系代词, 请教老师,为什么经常见到有的非限制性定语从句中,有时





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最佳答案 2020-12-09 12:26

1.  A charge of throwing a bomb with intent to kill, which charge carries the death penalty, was dropped by the crown.

2.  A charge of throwing a bomb with intent to kill, which carries the death penalty, was dropped by the crown.

英语中,有两个关系限定词:whose which

whose意为谁的,替代的是先行词的所有格形式,因此它不能单独使用,后必须紧跟名词。whose 一般指人或具体的物品,用来表示所属关系,而且十分明确,比较好懂。例如:

I want to help the children whose parents died in the earthquake.

We must repair the desks whose legs are broken.

which 用法比较复杂一些。它不像whose的用法专门表示所属关系,而是其他关系。在非限制性定语从句中,which 用来限定一个比较宽泛的概念,而which 本身则是一个具体的概念。

which 的先行项是特定的名词、短语或句子:

1. World War II broke out in 1941, during which time he was studying abroad.

2. World War II broke out in 1941, at which time he was studying abroad.

3. World War II broke out in 1941, in which year he was studying abroad.

time 是个大时间概念,1941是个具体时间概念。year这个名词也是包容任何具体一年的大概念。

4. This form of land-taking was characteristic of Wales rather than England, in which country the main settlement was over the low moorlands of Cornwall.

5. In 1960 he came to London, in which city he has lived ever since.

以上两句中的country city year 是一个道理,是包容具体国家和城市名称的大概念名词。

语言学把概念大的名词叫做“上位词”, 概念小的名词叫做“下位词”。无论从词义范围、定义外延各方面,上位词都包含着下位词。当然,which 后的名词与先行项也可能是同一个词或同义词。例如:

6. A charge of throwing a bomb with intent to kill, which charge carries the death penalty, was dropped by the crown. 英国王室赦免了一项关于投掷炸弹意图杀人的指控,该指控可判死刑。

先行项是 chargewhich 后的名词也是 charge。但这两个charge 不一样,前面的 charge 是一个具体的“指控事件”,而后面这个charge 是大概念,是一个很宽泛的“指控”,包括法律上各种各样的指控。

which 的先行项可以是整个主句内容。然后限定一个概括性的名词去描写主句:

7. He is old, which fact is important. 他老了,这个事实很重要。

8.The traffic might be very busy now, in which case we may be considerably delayed.现在的交通可能很繁忙,如此一来,我们可能会耽搁很久。

9. He studies computer science, which is very important today.


10. He studies computer science, which knowledge is very important today.




第二句直接让which 指代整个A charge of throwing a bomb with intent to kill

第一句加强了语体的正式程度。which 后面的 charge 是一个很宽泛的概念“指控”,即“上位词”,因为可以有各种各样的指控,前面也讲过。which 指代一个具体的“指控”, 是与 a charge 有同位关系的 throwing a bomb with intent to kill,即“下位词”。which 可以理解为“这样的”,which charge 是“这样的一个指控”。

关系限定词 which 在以上例句中,例如句7,加上 fact  语体更正式:

He is old, which fact is important. 他老了,这个事实很重要。


He fought with the bear, which fact frightened me. which fact 指整个主句)

He fought with the bear, which frightened me. which 可能指整个主句,也可能指 the bear


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