other than 和 rather than 用法和含义如何区分?

crap: This is a word you can use when you mess something up. To mess something up is

an idiom meaning, to do something the wrong way, or to cause an outcome other than

what you intended.



句中的other than这里什么意思,怎么使用other than ? 这个other than和rather than我经常分不清用法和含义,这2个都是连词吗??? 麻烦老师讲解一下二者区别。

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最佳答案 2020-11-08 15:28

rather than 对等排除other than 范围排除。这是它们最显著的区别。


Tom rather than John can help her. 是汤姆而不是约翰能帮助她。(不是John,而是Tom)

Everyone other than John can help her. 除了约翰,其他人都能帮助她。(唯独约翰不能帮她)

Nobody other than John can help her. 除了约翰,没有人能帮助她。(只有约翰能帮她)



1. rather than  表示“取舍关系”,rather than 之后的部分为“舍”,表示“对等排除”,意为“而不是”。意思等于 instead of doing。rather than 后面接动词原形时,表示一种意愿;后面接与谓语动词相同的时态时,表示两个动作并列,意为“没有怎样,而是怎样”。对比如下:

Rather than go on with his work, he went home.  他不愿继续工作,就回家了。

Rather than went on with his work, he went home.  他没有继续工作,而是回家了。

2. other than 表示“从...中排除”,意为“除此之外”,等于except,或 different from。若跟否定意义的词语连用,意思是“除了以外没有其他”。例如,用 other ther 或 rather than 填空:

In no country _______ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

就本句而言,no country 也好, every country 也好,其实都是指“范围”。other than  表示排除,是正确答案。


(1)other than 后接名词:

other than:表示“从...中排除”,意为“除此之外”。属于“范围排除”,从一个范围中排除。仔细体会其含义:

Everyone other than John can help her. (唯独约翰不能帮她)

Nobody other than John can help her. (只有约翰能帮她)

(2)other than 后接动词原形(前面有do时):

No one could do other than admire it.


No one could do other than admire it. =

No one could do other things except/but admire it.

(3)other than 后接名词性从句:

This is a word you can use when you mess something up. To mess something up is an idiom meaning, to do something the wrong way, or to cause an outcome other than what you intended.

【翻译】当你把事情搞砸了的时候。你可以用这个词。To mess something up是一个习语,意思是用错误的方式做某事,或者导致一个你预期以外的结果。


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rather than

意为:Instead of; as opposed to; as an alternative to. 用作复合介词或准并列连词。

Rather than spending so much of our budget on advertising, I think we should invest a bit more in QA testing.

When I go to the movies, I usually prefer candy rather than popcorn, but I'm in the mood for something salty tonight.

other than

1. Different from, besides, 

例如: They were shocked to find she has a lover other than her husband. [1250]

2. In a different manner than; otherwise than, 

例如: How could she be other than happy with the new house? [Late 1800s]

3. other than that. Except that, 

例如: Other than that the nearest store was five miles away, it was a perfect location.

other than为复合介词,既可以作状语,也可以作定语。rather than则连接相等的结构,或用作复合介词,介词短语作状语,而不作定语。

你的句子中,other than...为复合介词短语作定语,等于different from...。

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