1 can not...too 结构

can not ...too结构刘老师在前面帖子中讲过是属于否定转移。下面的这个句子的翻译还是不太理解:You can’t be too careful in doing the experiments. 做实验你越仔细越好。

not否定too careful,表示“不太仔细”,你做实验不太仔细?咋感觉和原来的翻译差距有点大。类似的还有:You can never do the job too well. never否定too well,表示“不太好”,你工作做的不太好。(正确翻译:这项工作你做的越出色越好。)

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最佳答案 2020-11-08 13:20


You shouldn't pay too much attention to your English study.

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其它 3 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

这属于“否定范围”问题。表面否定谓语动词,实则否定 too,不包括 careful。是网友自己理解失误。


not too:不过分

You can’t be too careful in doing the experiments.


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You cannot praise the play too highly. (这出戏你无论怎样称赞,都不会过分。)

One can never be too careful in one's work. (工作越仔细越好。)

cannot...too...的意思是“it is impossible to over+原形动词”,译为汉语是“无论怎样......也不过分”或“越......越好”。句型中too是“过分”的意思,它可用表示“过度”意思的词如“over+原形动词”表示,cannnot可用impossible和difficult表示;如果不用cannot,可用can后跟hardly, scarcely,例如:

It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of the development of industry in China.

=We cannot over-estimate the importance of the development of industry in China.

=We cannot estimate too much the importance of the development of industry in China. (在中国发展工业,无论如何重视也不为过分。)

We cannot pseak in terms of too high praise of his merits.

=It is impossible/difficult to speak in terms of too high praise of his merits.(他的功绩无论怎样赞扬也不为过。)

You cannot pay too much attention to your pronunciation.(你越注意你的发音越好)

I cannot thank you too much.(无论怎么感谢你也不为过。)

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

       can't (或cannot)...too... 和 can never ...  too 都是惯用语,意思都是“无论怎样...也不为过”、“越 ... 越”。如:

       One cannot be too faithful to one's duties. 一个人对他的职责多忠实都不为过。(=一个人对他的职责越忠心越好。=对职务再怎么忠实都是不过分的。)

       We cannot be too faithful to our duties. 我们无论怎么忠于也不为过。

       You cannot be too careful in the choice of your friends. 你在择友方面再怎么小心也不为过。

       We cannot admire her beauty too much. 我们怎么赞美她的美丽都不为过。


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