
我知道英语中能接宾语补足语的动词有感官动词和使役动词,另外还有 find。



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最佳答案 2015-06-20 18:41


1. 动词+宾语+名词(作宾补)
We all call him Old John. 我们大家都称呼他老约翰。
The father named the boy Peter. 父亲给这男孩取名叫彼得。
The Party made him a fine communist f ighter. 党使他成为优秀的共产主义战士。
We found the place a very good summer resort. 我们发现这个地方是个很好的避暑胜地。
2. 动词+宾语+形容词(作宾补)
He pushed the door open. 他把门推开了。
We found the problem very difficult. 我们发现这个问题很难。
They painted the roof red. 他们把房顶漆成红色。
3. 动词+宾语+介词短语(作宾补)
I found everything in good condition. 我发现一切正常。
Her illness kept her in bed for a week. 她因生病在床上躺了一星期。
4. 动词+宾语+某些副词小品词(作宾补)
Ask him in, please. 请叫他进来。
We must try to help him through. 我们必须设法帮他渡过难关。
5. 动词+宾语+不定式(作宾补)
Who taught you to drive? 谁教你开车的?
He warned me not to touch it. 他警告我不要触碰它。
What caused him to change his mind? 什么使他改变主意的?
6. 动词+宾语+现在分词(作宾补)
He soon had them all laughing. 他很快逗得大家都笑了。
I saw her being taken to the operating room. 我看见她被送到手术室。
7. 动词+宾语+过去分词(作宾补)
We found him greatly changed. 我们发现他变化很大。
I heard my name called. 我听到有人叫我的名字。
8. 动词+宾语+动名词(作宾补)
Can we call this serving mankind? 这能叫为人类服务吗?
I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul. 我管这叫做拆东墙补西墙。
(1) 约有90个表示“判断”的宾补动词可以和不定式 to be或 to have一起用,但不能和其他不定式 (如to do, to go, to see) 一起用:
He believed them to be honest. (=He believed that they were honest.)
I judged him to have been a gambler. (=I judged that he had been a gambler.)
I should guess him to be playing a trick on me. (=I should guess that he is playing a trick on me.)
He declared the rumour to be false.
He asserted the diamond to be genuine.
He esteems himself to be lucky.
He is believed to be honest.
It is declared to be false.
The rumour was thought to be unfounded.
He believed them to have killed his friend.
I judged him to have seen much of the world.
(2) 约有120个表示指示或愿望的宾补动词可以和任何不定式一起用,但在许多情况下不能正确给出与之相当的从句:
He ordered his men to set out at once. (He ordered that his men should set out at once.)
Nothing could tempt me to do evil.
He likes his wife to dress well.
He asked me to open the door.
He forced me to accept his proposal.
He invited his friend to spend the vacation with him.
They are not allowed to leave. (宾补动词的被动结构)
His children were left to be fooling around.
He was induced to be a vagabond.
He ordered his men to burn the bridge. =He ordered the bridge to be burnt.
He caused his students to hand in their exercises. =He caused the students’ exercises to be handed in. I don’t want there to be another war.
He likes there to be a picnic.
He meant there to be no trouble.
(3) 约有20个表示“让”或“感觉 (听见,看见等)”的宾补动词可以和不带to 的不定式一起用:
I make him stop (不能说 to stop).
Let him come at seven.
I will have him do it for me.
He watched me paint the door.
He heard her sing.
I felt the house shake.
He was made to stop. (在被动语态后不定式要带 to)
She was heard to sing.
The house was felt to shake.
Live and let (others) live. (宾语 others省略)
He made (others) believe that he knew many rich and influential people.
I heard (others) say some people were demonstrating.
I helped (others) make cakes.
(4) 约有20个“不及物动词 + 介词”这样的动词短语可以用作宾补动词,后面跟不定式作它们宾语的补语:
I telephoned to him to come at once.
I have arranged for him to go to college.
All depends upon him not to interfere.
I wished for it to be done.
The store advertised for a clerk to do the work.
I motion to them to go away.
根据经验,中学英语中比较常见可用于“动词+宾语+不定式作宾补”结构的动词主要有:advise, allow, ask, bear, beg, cause, command, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, intend, invite, leave, like, mean, need, oblige, order, permit, persuade, prefer, request, remind, teach, tell, trouble, want, warn, wish 等。
He didn't allow the students to go there. 他没让学生们去那儿。
He ordered the work to be started at once. 他命令马上开始工作。
He forbade me to use his car. 他不准我用他的小车。
The doctor warned him not to smoke. 医生告诫他不要抽烟。
My parents encouraged me to study abroad. 父母鼓励我出国留学。
I tried to persuade him to leave, but he wouldn't listen. 我想劝他离开,可他不听。

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  • 李明 提出于 2015-06-16 16:10
