
"Very good, Barrymore; you can go." When the butler had left us Sir Henry turned to me. "Well, Watson, what do you think of this new light?"

"It seems to leave the darkness rather blacker than before."

"So I think. But if we can only trace L. L. it should clear up the whole business. We have gained that much. We know that there is someone who has the facts if we can only find her. What do you think we should do?"

1) rather blacker than, rather+比较级,这种用法词典上没见到。rather可以像even,far等接比较级吗?

2) 上面节选中出现了2处if we can only, 请教老师如何理解这里的only含义?

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最佳答案 2020-10-07 13:50

1 rather可以修饰比较级。可参读章振邦《新编高级英语语法》p 672 比较级的修饰语。

2 if we can only do sth = if only we can do sth.  if和only连用,表示充分条件,只要...,就...。

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其它 2 个回答


1.  若要表示“稍微;一点”,可用a little, a bit, slightly等修饰比较级。例如:

He is slightly better today. 他今天稍好一些了。

She’s a bit older than me. 她比我老一点儿。

2. 若要表示“……得多;更加……”,比较级前可用much, even, still, far, a lot, a good/great deal, rather等修饰。例如:

It’s rather later than I thought. 这比我想的还要晚。

You’re looking much better since your operation. 手术后你看上去好多了。

He is fat, but his brother is still fatter. 他很胖,但他哥哥更胖。

It was cold yesterday, but it’s even colder today. 昨天很冷,今天甚至更冷。

Everything was a great deal simpler many years ago. 许多年前,样样事情都要简单得多。

▲   quite也可修饰比较级,表示“……得多”,但通常只限于better,意为“病好”。例如:

Don’t start work again until you’re quite better. 病没好利索,你可不要开始干活儿。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)


        The patients has responded to the treatment rather better than expected. 病人对治疗的反应比预想的好得多。(摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第9版 rather 词条)

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  • bjxue 提出于 2020-10-04 17:14
