every which way的用法疑问

He re-ran the experiment every which way he could.
请问句中的 every which way 作何理解?
网上关于 every which way 例句子很多,但词典上却没有查到它的用法,请老师指点一下,非常感谢!

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最佳答案 2015-06-17 11:58

every which way 是习语,柯林斯词典对此归纳了两个用法:

1. 表示“以各种方式;采用各种方式”(Every which way and any which way are used to emphasize that something happens, or might happen, in a lot of different ways, or using a lot of different methods):

He re-ran the experiment every which way he could. 他用尽所有可能的方法重复做这个实验。

They are just happy to sell their inventory any which way they can. 只要存货能脱手,无论采取什么方式他们都愿意。

2. 表示“(强调位置和方向的混乱)向四面八方,杂乱地”(Every which way is used to emphasize that things move in a lot of different directions or are arranged in a lot of different positions)

cars parked every which way 横七竖八停着的车辆

The wind scattered the leaves every which way. 风把树叶吹得到处都是。

When the police arrived, the crowd started running every which way. 警察赶到时,人群向四面八方奔跑。

He brushed against the table, and the mahjong tiles fell every which way. 他碰到桌子,桌上的麻将牌撒落在地上。

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

every which way 是非正式用法。a) in all directions 四面八方:Bullets were flying every which way. 子弹四处横飞。b)BrE every possible method 【英】各种可能的办法:I tried every which way to avoid it. 我想方设法避免那种情况。(《朗文高级英语应试词典》p.2683)

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  • 林晓茜   提出于 2015-06-14 10:30
