
The company,which was established in 1999,is specialized in producing fruit.
1.The company,established in 1999,is specialized in producing fruit.
2.The company that was established in 1999 is specialized in producing fruit.
3.The company established in 1999 is specialized in producing fruit.
4.The company was established in 1999,specialized in producing fruit.
5.The company specialized in producing fruit was established in 1999.
6.The company,specialized in producing fruit,was eatablished in 1999.

另一句:The boy who is standing at the door is my brother.


1.The boy,who stands at the door,is my brother.
2.The boy,standing at the door,is my brother.
3.The boy who stands at the door is my brother.
4.The boy standing at the door is my brother.

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最佳答案 2020-11-08 12:47


The company, which was established in 1999, is specialized in producing fruit. 中的which was established in 1999是非限制性的被动语态的定语从句,表示补充说明,可以简化为用过去分词短语,所以改为(1)正确。不能改为其他形式,其余的句子虽都不错(其中4为分隔定语),但语义变了。


The boy who is standing at the door is my brother. 中的who is standing at the door是限制性定语从句,表示“正站在门口的那个男孩”,可以改为(4),用现在分词短语standing at the door作定语。(1)、(2)都是非限制性的,且(1)时态不对。(3)虽也是限制性定语,但时态不对。


My brother who lives in New York has four children. 我住在纽约的那个兄弟有四个孩子。(限制性定语从句。我不止一个兄弟)

My brother, who lives in New York, has four children. 我的兄弟有四个孩子,他住在纽约。(非限制性定语从句。我只有这一个兄弟,补充说明他住在纽约

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