1 had/would better do

请教老师,"最好做某事" would/had better do sth 这两种说法都是正确的?谢谢老师。

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最佳答案 2020-08-01 21:28

如果是考试,要选择would rather,had better。如果你选择了would better或had rather是要丢分的。

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两种说法都对。had better, would better, might better, had best都表示“最好……”,在使用时要注意以下几点:

1. had better最常用,would better次之(第一人称用should),might better用得最少。例如:

You had (would, might) better stay at home. 你最好还是呆在家里。

2. had best是had better的进一步加强语,因为有些俗气,不大常用。例如:

I had best have your opinions first. 我最好先听听你的意见。

3. had better的过去式和完成式是had better have done,具有虚拟意味。例如:

I had better have got that job. 我要是得到那工作就好了。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

       在英语原著和英语国家出版的英语词典中,很难找到含有 would better do sth 结构的句子,所以如果在考试中使用此结构就很容易被判为错误而扣分。

       虽然在英语原著中可以找到很多含有 had rather 结构的句子,但是在考试中使用此结构也可能被判为错误而扣分。(详见赵振才:《英语常见问题解答大词典》增订版第五版p.581 had rather)

       所以,在考试中要使用 would rather,had better;不用 would better 或 had rather 。

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