For weeks, Milton talked to me. He told me of his parents and his siblings. He told me of his childhood and his schooling and his adolescence. He told me of the young women he had admired from a distance.
He told me of his parents and his siblings.
He told me of his childhood and his schooling and his adolescence.
He told me of the young women he had admired from a distance.
曹老师讲了有无 of 的区别,实际就是“直接” 和“间接” 的区别。以上三句中的 of 不能省略,因为 of 后面的词语不能作 tell 的直接宾语。这是逻辑使然。举例对比:
tell me the news (正)
tell me the accident (误。学生经常犯这个错误,认为跟 news 是一回事)
消息、故事、名字等词语,都可以作 tell 的直接宾语。
而事故、家人、童年等词语,逻辑上是不能作 tell 的直接宾语的,需要在前面加一个“关于” 的介词(of 或 about),让其变成间接的内容。例如:
tell me about the accident = tell me somthing about the accident