around 和 round 用法的区别。

英文的round 和around 二字意义相同,但不知在用法 上有何分别,美国一般似乎都是用around一字,请就此 字的美国用法,举例说明。
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最佳答案 2020-08-02 19:46

around 和 round 用法的区别

【解答】这两字在英语中原来是有分别的: around表示静的周国, round表示动的周围,即 around是围坐,围炉,围着不动的意思,而 round便是环绕着走,所以round要和表动作的动词连用,而 around则和表不动的动词连用。例如:

We sat around the fire. (我们围炉面坐。)

The earth moves round the sun. (地球绕日面行。)

不过这种分别也并不显著,因为混用的时候很多,尤其是在英国用 round的场合美国惯用于 around,例如“环游世界八十日一部美国电影,便名 Around the World in 80 Days, 英文是应该用 round the world的, 如说 Drake sailed round the world 之类。又英国人说的 He lives just round the corner of this street, (他就住在这街的转角处。)美国人也要说成 He lives just around the corner of this street.


代 about 用的时候仍是美国 around 英国用 round, 如:

He will be back round (around) noon. (他指在中年光景回来。)

He is ready to pay somewhere round ( 美around) $3, 000 for a car.



至于 around一字在美国话中作介词的用法有:


How can we get around that regulation? (我们要怎样才能规避那条规则呢?)


许多动词和 around结合时,都可发生“回避”的意思。

如:detour around (迁回绕道), squeak around(侥幸避开), shunt around(回避), shy around(避开), squirm around(扭曲) 等等。

此外说find (see) a way around (找寻规避的方法),

take a way around(采取回避步骤)等,也是表同样意思的片语。例如:

A legal way around the situation would be found.


Is there any way around or through the dilemma?


Farmer Washington did not approve of slavery: he inherited it, like the land, and couldn’t find a way around it.


F-86 jets, built in Canada around United States engines and instruments, will go to England.


But while his brain was taking the long way around his body was working fast.



Birdie has been around the major league for 15 years and knows the hitter far better than I do.(白蒂在职业棒球协会服务了十五年,知道击球者的情形比我多得多。)

In return, Belcher helped Stanley around the government, helped his friends get licenses for construction work on a resort hotel…



It (investigation) may enable the citizen to find his way around the government bureaucracy without either a guide or a guardian.

(调査可以帮助市民在没有指导者或监护人的情况下也能了解官厅的情形。) 句中 to find one’s way around意为理解。

He’d make a good ambassador. He certainly knows his way around there.


句中 to know one' s way around(英国说 to know one’s way about)意为熟悉,精通。

It was the face of a man around sixty. (那是一个六十岁光景的人的面孔。)

He likes to roam around the country. (他喜欢在田野间到处漫步。)

His father left him around a million dollars. (他父亲留给他差不多有一百万元。)

He asked me to come here around ten o' clock. (他要我十点左右来这里。)

Don’t come around here. (不要到附近来。)


There will be a debate around this problem. (将举行这个问题的讨论会。)


附带让我们看看 around一字在美国作副词用时有些什么意义:


He wasn’t a comfortable person to be around,(他不是一个使人同他交往时感到愉快的人。)


They act like people who don't plan to be around very long.



His night club and Japanese partner are still around. (他的夜总会仍然存在,那日本合伙人也仍然在职。


The most common occupational disease of movie actresses -- especially those who have been around as long as Stanwyck --is megalocephalia, otherwise known as swelled head. (女电影明星的最普通的职业病,尤其是象史丹维克那样的经验丰富的女明星,就是巨头症,这是自大狂的别名。)

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

round 和around 二字意义相同,但不知在用法 上有何分别,美国一般似乎都是用around一字,请就此 字的美国用法,举例说明。

     【答】round 主要用于英国英语;around 主要用于美国英语。如:

       1. 作副词 

       We kept going around [=(chiefly Brit) round] in circles without getting anywhere.  我们转来转去还是没离开那里。

       The road goes around [=(chiefly Brit) round] by the lake. 这条路顺着湖边转弯了。

       "How big around is the tree ?""It's five feet around." [=(chiefly Brit) round] [= the circumference of the tree is five feet]“这棵树有多粗?”“周长五英尺。”

       People crowded  around [=(chiefly Brit) round] to hear her. 人们围拢过来听她讲。

       2. 作介词

       He traveled  (all) around [=(chiefly Brit) round] the country. 他在这个国家四处游历。


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  • Nancy wenwen 提出于 2020-05-21 15:47
