
Without facts,we can't form a correct opinion,for we need to have actual knowledge__________our thinking.
A.which to be based on B.which to base on C.on which to base D.which to base答案为C,原因是什么?knowledge是先行词,which 是引导定语从句,那么从句的谓语动词在哪?谢谢

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最佳答案 2020-05-30 00:47

这个定语已经不是定语从句了,而是带关系代词的不定式短语。其结构为:介词+which+to do. 这种结构为定语从句的简化,可以还原为定语从句:

Without facts,we can't form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge on which to base our thinking.

= Without facts,we can't form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge on which we will base our thinking.

我们知道情态动词后接不带to的不定式。介词+which引导的定语从句都属于正式语体(非正式语体介词留在句末)。你会发现,定语从句省去主语we和情态动词,并将不定式的to还原,就得到了on which to base our thinkin这个带关系词的不定式短语。这种结构只用于正式语体。


Without facts,we can't form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge which/that/( ) we will base our thinking on. 介词on位于句末,此时关系代词可以用which,that或省略关系代词。

=Without facts,we can't form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge we will base our thinking on. 进一步省略主语和情态动词,并将不定式的to还原,就得到:

Without facts,we can't form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge to base our thinking on. 红色部分就是你熟悉的不定式短语作定语了。这是非正式语体。如果把介词on移到不定式前,就要加which了。on which to base our thinking.

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