10 四川大学考博2019阅读第二篇


 Poetry is indeed something divine. It is at once the centre and circumference of knowledge; it is that which comprehends all science, and that to which all science must be referred. It is at the same time the root and blossom of all other systems of thought; it is that from which all spring, and that which adorns all; and that which, if blighted, denies the fruit and the seed, and withholds from the barren world the nourishment and the succession of the scions of the tree of life. It is the perfect and consummate surface and bloom of all things; it is as the odour and the colour of the rose to the texture of the elements which compose it, as the form and splendour of unfaded beauty to the secrets of anatomy and corruption. What were virtue, love, patriotism, friendship—what were the scenery of this beautiful universe which we inhabit; what were our consolations on this side of the grave--and what were our aspirations beyond it, if poetry did not ascend to bring light and fire from those eternal regions where the owl-winged faculty of calculation dare not ever soar?

  Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. Poetry thus makes immortal all that is best and most beautiful in the world; it arrests the vanishing apparitions which haunt the interlunations of life, and veiling them, or in language or in form, sends them forth among mankind, bearing sweet news of kindred joy to those with whom their sisters abide--abide, because there is no portal of expression from the caverns of the spirit which they inhabit into the universe of things. Poetry redeems from decay the visitations of the divinity in man. 


问题:What is the relationship between poetry and science according to the passage?

A. Science is a part of poetry   B. Poetry is a part of science 

C. Science can interpret poetry  D. Poetry can interpret science



“Poetry thus makes immortal all that is best and most beautiful in the world; it arrests the vanishing apparitions which haunt the interlunations of life, and veiling them, or in language or in form, sends them forth among mankind, bearing sweet news of kindred joy to those with whom their sisters abide--abide, because there is no portal of expression from the caverns of the spirit which they inhabit into the universe of things."


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最佳答案 2020-05-02 11:43


Poetry is indeed something divine. It is at once the centre and circumference of knowledge; it is that which comprehends all science, and that to which all science must be referred. It is at the same time the root and blossom of all other systems of thought; it is that from which... (略)

问题:What is the relationship between poetry and science according to the passage?

A. Science is a part of poetry        B. Poetry is a part of science 

C. Science can interpret poetry    D. Poetry can interpret science


###“诗”是某种类似神的东西;“诗”既是核心的知识、又是边缘的知识。换句话说,“诗”是一切的知识. // 显然,作者这里是把“诗”看作是哲学意义上的东西的,它不是poems, 更不是你我写的那几首打油诗。在作者看来,"诗”是思维的灵魂,人的所有认知都是某种“诗”性的升华,回到第一句就是,“诗”就是神。( at once = 同时;  )

### 绿色的部分,是说“诗”这种知识涵盖了所有科学,谈科学则必须涉及到诗。这句话并不等于A,犹如说中华文化涵盖了朝鲜、韩国、日本、越南等国的文化,但这些国家的文化并不是我国文化的一部分,道理是相同的。

### 小技巧是,all science 与science,也应该是不一样的。出题者会认为它们一样么?


接下来, 爱看不看,没有大关系。再叽叽歪歪,无非也就是说"诗"如何牛逼而已。略去



雪莱的《诗辩》是他针对一些人说要搞自然科学、把“诗”说成是废物技能这种观点的怒发冲冠之作。《诗辩》文字很华美 ,但语句艰深,思想深刻,文化背景也很广阔,让人读着读着就不知所云,这一点都不奇怪。雪莱是思想大家,我等平庸之辈,思想高度跟不上,脑子不够用,很正常。//  当然,既然是《辩》,雪莱就一定有他的坚持、他的执著,也会有他的漏洞。这点,能抓出的自然是思想的高手,我们普通人就算了,只管把这个工作留给雪莱的对手好了。但从思维上把握,说说 “我信你个鬼,糟老头子坏得很” 还是可以的。呵呵。



#(因) Poetry is the record of ... and best minds (=有才智的人们).

#(果) Poetry thus makes immortal ... in the world; ---> make sth adj. = make adj. sth


#(分1) it arrests (使驻留) the vanishing apparitions(来去飘忽的思想火花/幻象)which haunt the interlunations of life(会在人生明暗交替时现身/出没);

1. the interlunations of life 强调人生的一种动态变化(注意 interlunations不是指 “人生起伏或人生的黑暗、人生的阴影”之类, 而主要是指生死交替的那涵义)。 

其实,所谓immortal, 即含有afterlife,才会不朽。

2. 这里的arrest要理解为是“刹那间的抓住,稍纵又即逝了” 的过程,即这个arrest是说,“诗”用语言文字,把那思想的 火花/幻象 抓了下来,也许不是全部,但也不是完全丢失;

#(分2) and veiling them, or in language or in form, sends them forth among mankind, 

1.  sends与上句的arrests通过and 并列;划线部分这个局部看上有点像评注,但不是。逻辑主语仍然是it. 接下的bearing- 的逻辑主语也仍然是it  

2. 这里的veil,只能从上下文去理解, 雪莱这里的“veil” 应该有双重含义:掩盖与揭示;但不是打扮,也不是美化,它没有这种词义。

-- 这个veiling them字面上含义:“诗”让这些难以捉摸的思想幻象笼上一层面纱,(以似暗非明的样子呈现)。or in language or in form 指“诗” 用语言或某种精神形式

3. 这里的form, 指与物质形态性对应、或从中分离出来的“(精神)形态”;如ideological forms 观念形态;unity of content and form内容和形式的统一;

4. 这里的them, 指apparitions.

# bearing sweet news of kindred joy to those with whom their sisters abide---abide,

1. bear A to B 把A带/产生给  bear有生产出,带给这种含义

2. news 含义犹如是“报喜官传来好消息 ”中的“消息”那种含义。

3. kindred 家族;血缘的,这里指“类似的”、“一脉相承的”

sweet news of kindred joy 指领会到了那幻象(或神性降临导致的)的喜悦消息

4. … to those with whom their sisters abide 

意思是 send …to those people; their sisters abide with those people

abide with sb [古语]和某人同住; 

5. sisters 一般是教徒的互称,这里指同住在那“精神居所”里的人

从逻辑上讲,those + their sisters 应该仍然是“一伙人”,但这里雪莱似乎故意给弄成了“两伙人”似的,他应该是有所指的。因为他在《辩》,用sisters来指对方,也为未可知。


# because there is no portal of expression from the caverns of the spirit which they inhabit into the universe of things.  

1. 为什么来个because? 回答前文重复的abide 及为何只能“抓住一点幻象”的问题 

--- 因为没有那种随便的大门让你进出,毕竟那种最美好的东西("诗")是精华,不是随意就可表达出来的。

2. the caverns of the spirit 这里仍然指“诗”,即 各种深邃的精神居所

3. inhabit into 是雪莱(1792-1822)那时候的用词,现在inhabit是及物动词。注意到前文该词也没有介词。which—以下大意为,天地万物,都源于此/汇聚于此

Poetry redeems from decay the visitations of the divinity in man.

= Poetry redeems the visitations of the divinity in man from decay

1. redeem = (灵魂的)重生;  redeem… from 从…拯救出来(immortality = 死+上天)

2. visitation 大概我们说的“天女下凡”就是这个词,(但更多的时候,是指鬼神附体)

意为,“诗”让降临/深入 到人类的神性,得以张扬,而不至于枯萎凋谢


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其它 1 个回答

“Poetry thus makes immortal all that is best and most beautiful in the world; it arrests the vanishing apparitions which haunt the interlunations of life, and veiling them, or in language or in form, sends them forth among mankind, bearing sweet news of kindred joy to those with whom their sisters abide--abide, because there is no portal of expression from the caverns of the spirit which they inhabit into the universe of things." 因此,诗歌使世界上一切最美好的东西永不磨灭。它捕捉到浮现于生命暗淡时刻中瞬间即逝的幻像,用语言或形式加以美化送与人类欣赏,并把此类欢乐的喜讯带给那些与姐妹们同住的人们——之所以说同住,是因为他们所寄托的精神洞穴找不到通往凡俗世界表达的出口。
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