3 表语形容词带修饰语时就可以作定语吗


the fast asleep paitents 熟睡的病人

really alive young men 真正活跃的年轻人


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最佳答案 2015-04-03 13:50

该语法书的说法是准确的,也是有依据的。比如英国著名语法学家夸克(R. Quirk)等人在其编著的《英语语法大全》(A Comprehensive Grammar of the EnglishLanguage,Longman,1985)的第7.11节有如下说明(注意最后一段的说明):

7.11 A-adjectives vary as to whether they can be attributive. Most a-adjectives are only marginally acceptable in attributive function, unless they are premodified(至于a-形容词能否作定语用,则视情况而异。大多数a-形容词,除非它们被前置修饰语修饰,只勉强能起定语作用):

? an afraid look

? an alive eye

Aloof and alert, however, are fully acceptable in attributive function, eg(然而,aloofalert完全可以起定语作用。例如):

an aloof character

an alert manner

Most a-adjectives can occur attributively when they are modified(大多数a-形容词,在它们有修饰语的时候,可以起定语作用):

a somewhat afraid soldier

the fast asleep children

a really alive / lively student

the wide awake patient

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  • 祥子   提出于 2015-04-01 17:55
