10 上海交大考博英语2012第5篇阅读理解


Playing violent video games can have immediate and lasting effects on a person’s thoughts and behavior, new research shows. In fact, researchers report that the interactive and increasingly graphic mature of some video games makes them "potentially more dangerous" than violence-charged television and movies. 

 Psychologists Anderson and Dill conducted two studies. In one study of 227 college students, the investigators found that students who more frequently played violent video games during junior high and high school were more likely to have engaged in " aggressive behavior". A second study in which 210 college students played either a violent or non-violent video game revealed that the violence-packed game increased subjects’ aggression immediately afterwards. 

 In the first study, the investigators questioned students on their natural levels of aggression and irritability, and their delinquent(犯法的)behavior — for instance whether they had bit other students in the past year. The investigators found that students with aggressive personalities and those who more often played violent video games were more prone to real-life aggression. Students who considered themselves aggressive were also more likely to play violet video games. Since aggressive people may seek out violet games, coming to the conclusion that the video games caused real-life delinquency is too risky. 

 However, the second study lined video-game violence with immediate increases in aggression. Anderson and Dill had students play either a violent game or a nonviolent game and let the students believe they were playing against an opponent in another room after completing the video game, participants played a competitive-reaction game with their imaginary opponents, in this game the winner was allowed to publish the loser with a noise blast(响亮的噪音). The researchers found that students who were fresh from the violent video game blasted their opponents longer than those who played the nonviolent game.    

 Because video games show short-term and long-term effects, Anderson and Dill suppose that videogame violence influences behavior not by arousing aggressive feelings, but by teaching players to find "aggressive solutions" to problems. Unlike TV, many video games demand that player identify with the aggressor and actively participate in violence.

题目1:According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Violent video games arouse aggressive feeling in game players.

B.Violent video games inevitably result in delinquent behavior of game players.

C.Violent video games teach players to solve problems in an aggressive ways.

D.Violent video games have short terms and long-term effect on game players.


题目2: This best title of the passage can be?

A.Effects of Violent Video Games

B.Video Games Increase Crimes

C.Video Games and Psychology

D.New Research Findings of Video Games.


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最佳答案 2020-03-12 09:52

题目1:答案A是说是激发人的暴力感受,与原文意思相反,所以A的表述是错误的,答案为A,这个应该没有问题啊。关于B,你的观点没错,不是所有玩暴力游戏的人肯定都会犯罪,但是从概率上讲,所有玩暴力游戏的人中肯定(inevitably)有人会犯罪。另外你看B句子,其主语是(Violent video games)暴力游戏,即暴力游戏必然(inevitably)导致玩游戏的人的暴力倾向,有暴力游戏就有暴力行为。尽管从个体角度,不是所有玩暴力游戏的人肯定都会有暴力行为,但是从整体讲,暴力游戏的存在就肯定出现暴力行为。

题目2:全文都在讲暴力游戏对人的影响,Effects和Violent Video Games,至于D不是文章的侧重点,题目太笼统、宽泛,不聚焦,题目要求是best title,就算D对那也应该是New Research Findings of Violent Video Games,而不是New Research Findings of Video Games。

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