3 even/ever better than的疑问与单句翻译问题


1. Perhaps what he loses is ever better than what he gains.

究竟是ever better than 还是even better than? 我看有人说ever不能修饰比较级,但书中写的是ever。

2.Many countries have laws limiting what use employers and insurance companies can make of such information(information是指DNA信息).

划线句子是做laws的定语从句,那划线句中的主谓宾各是谁?为什么有了动词use还有can make of?

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最佳答案 2020-02-25 21:35

1. Perhaps what he loses is ever better than what he gains.

ever 和 even 都可以修饰比较级,都是加强语气。区别在于:ever 强调 “时间” 意义,意为 “越来越;日益”。 even 强调 “程度”,意为 “甚至更;愈加”。

even 修饰比较级很常见。关于 ever 修饰比较级的例句:

1. He grew ever more fierce in his demands.  



2. Situation has become ever more serious.  



3. I think the amount of work will increase and that it will become ever more complex.  



2. Many countries have laws limiting what use employers and insurance companies can make of such information.

这个句子的结构是:在 limiting 之后接了一个名词性从句。what 没有疑问之意,它是一个“融合性关系限定词”,引导名词从句,亦叫名词性关系分句,又做了use 的定语。what use = any use that

what use employers and insurance companies can make of such information.

等于:any use that employers and insurance companies can make of such information.

这里,use 是名词,划线部分为定语从句。that 指代 use,从句中是个 make use of 结构,use 是 make 的宾语,由关系代词 that 充当。

Many countries have laws limiting what use employers and insurance companies can make of such information.


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其它 2 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

Perhaps what he loses is ever better than what he gains.

究竟是ever better than 还是even better than? 我看有人说ever不能修饰比较级,但书中写的是ever。

  【答】even better than,因为ever 不能放在比较级前面,even 则可以。例如:

    Your cooking is even worse than Harry's. 你的厨艺甚至比哈里还差。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第四版207.1)

    You're looking loveller than ever. 你看上去比任何时候都漂亮。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第四版454.2)

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ever:: to a greater degree

  • Technology in recent years has become ever more sophisticated.

  • The deadline draws ever closer.

  • Millions of farmers were forced into ever-deeper debt during the Great Depression.


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  • hector1234 提出于 2020-02-25 17:33
