
“二十一二岁”的英语是early twenties,“二十八九岁”是late twenties。请问,若说“二十四五岁”,说成英语是mid twenties吗?

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最佳答案 2014-02-25 14:26


1. early twenties 二十一二岁,二十出头

He was in his early twenties. 他二十一二岁。

The baby’s mother is only in her early forties. 我宝宝的母亲才二十一二岁。

2. late twenties二十八九岁,快三十岁

She was by now in her late twenties. 现在她二十八九岁了。

Sitting there was a portly gentleman in his late twenties. 坐在那里的是一位胖胖的二十八九岁的男士。

3. mid twenties二十四五岁

The woman was probably in her mid twenties. 这女子很可能只有二十四五岁。

Mid- twenties, short black hair, grey moustache, distinctive Russian accent. Need I go on? 二十四五岁,黑色短发,灰色八字胡,明显的俄国口音,还需要我继续说吗?

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  • 王英   提出于 2014-02-25 13:40
