关于 sum of / amount of 的疑问


He ventured large sums of money on speculative stocks and was successful.

He quickly accumulated a large amount of assets in this way.

为什么sums of后接名词money,不需要用复数 ? (a sum of 和 sums of是一样的?)
a amount of后面为什么需要跟复数assets呢 (amount不是应该跟不可数名词吗?)

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最佳答案 2020-02-28 22:21

    money 是不可数名词,不可能用复数。sum 是可数名词:He owes me a large sum of money.他欠我一大笔钱。(摘自《朗文当代高级英语辞典》第六版 sum )Large sums of money were lost.损失了大笔钱财。(摘自《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》第8版 

sum 词条)

    a large amount of 一般与不可数名词连用。例如:I've thrown  out a large amount of old clothing. 我扔掉了一大堆旧衣服。(摘自《牛津英语用法指南》第四版172.4)

    2017年1月第1版《韦氏高阶英汉双解词典》(p.66)指出:“amount 有时也与复数可数名词连用,但这一用法常被批评为是错误的。There were a large amount of mistakes. 有大量错误。...... 这样的语境下通常用number。a large number of mistakes 大量的错误  an increasing number of problems 越来越多的问题” 

    所以,在 amount(s) of 后面最好用不可数名词。

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