some of which,none of which,bo

在有关定语从句的句子和考题中经常看到 some of which, none of which, both of which, all of which, several of which, one of which, many of which…,请老师说说它们的用法特点以及在考试中要注意的问题,谢谢!

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最佳答案 2015-01-23 13:33

some of which 构成定语从句,which 指代前文中被修饰的名词(先行词);some of them 不能构成定语从句,但可加 and 构成并列句。如:

I picked up the apples, some of which (= and some of them) were badly bruised. 我拾起了一些苹果, 其中一部分已经摔坏了.

Jessica scanned the lines, none of which (= and none of them) had any punctuation. 杰茜卡把这几行飞快地扫了一眼,没有任何一行加了标点。

Two rabbits came out of the hole, both of which (= and both of them) the dog killed immediately. 两只兔子跑出洞来, 马上都被狗咬死了。

Many genes have been linked with alcoholism, several of which (= and several of them) are involved in stress responses. 许多基因会被与酗酒联系在一起,其中一些基因会产生应激反应。

His new job has several pluses, one of which (= and one of them) is a large salary. 他的新工作有几个好处,其中之一是薪水高。

Chaplin acted in 35 films, many of which (=and many of them) he wrote and directed himslef. 卓别林演出表演与上演了35部电影, 当中有许多电影是他自己编导的。

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  • 杨小华   提出于 2015-01-23 11:54
