“安乐死”可翻译成mercy killing吗


Should the law allow mercy killing? 法律应否容许安乐死?

句子中将 mercy killing 翻译成“安乐死”,这样的翻译准确吗?

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最佳答案 2015-01-18 23:04


1. mercy killing

Public opinion polarised into completely opposite opinions on theissue of mercy killing. 公众舆论在安乐死这一问题上分化成了完全不同的对立观点。

2. euthanasia

Should euthanasia be made legal? 是否应将安乐死合法化?

Euthanasia is illegal in mostcountries. 安乐死在大多数国家被认为是非法的。

It is against the law for doctors to practise euthanasia. 医生施行安死术是违法的。

Men and women through the ages have testified that inner peace canbe found through God despite excruciating pain. Euthanasia is the despairwhich rejects this hope. 长期以来,天下的男男女女已经证明,尽管有极度的痛苦,即能通过上帝找到内心的平静。安乐死是拒绝这种希望的绝望。

3. 其他表达

She took her old dog to the vet and he put it to sleep. 她带那条老狗到兽医那里,兽医给它施行了安乐死。

Our horse had to be humanely destroyed after breakinghis right foreleg. 我们的马摔断了右前腿,只好对它实行安乐死。

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其它 2 个回答


euthanasia“安乐死”可以用 mercy killing“安乐死术,无痛苦致死术”来表达。如:

Whether mercy killing is justifiable is still an open question. 安乐死是否正当仍然是一个有争论的问题。《简明英汉词典》

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  • 陈书国   提出于 2015-01-11 23:31