
Only one planet in the cosmos that we human can live on.

写作中,我要用定语从句修饰“planet”,必须把“in the cosmos”提前么? 


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最佳答案 2019-11-30 19:23

1. human 用作名词,是可数名词,表示“人类”时需要使用复数。humans(人类)跟 we 是同位语。

2. 我觉得,黎老师写的第二个句子,in the cosmos 是修饰 there be 句型的,应该放在句首,以明确修饰关系。此外,避免on 和 in 两个介词紧挨着。修改如下:

There is only one planet in the cosmos that we humans can live on.

In the cosmos there is only one planet that we humans can live on.

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

   There is only one planet in the cosmos that we human can live on.

    There is only one planet that we human can live on in the cosmos .



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