1 to use term 怎么理解

 Archaeologists frequently find clay tablets in batches.The batches,some of which contain thousands of tablets,consist for the most part of documents of the types just mentioned:bills,deliveries,receipts,inventories,loans,marriage contracts,divorce settlements,court judgments,and so on.These records of factual matters were kept in storage to be available for reference—they were,in effect,files,or,to use the term preferred by specialists in the ancient Near East,archives.Now and then these files include pieces of writing that are of a distinctly different order,writings that do not merely record some matter of fact but involve creative intellectual activity.They range from simple textbook material to literature and they make an appearance very early,even from the third millennium B.C.E.

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最佳答案 2019-11-16 21:12


they were, in effect, files, or, to use the term preferred by specialists in the ancient Near East, archives.


they were files, or archives. 连词or在此意为“即”,表示后面为同位语。

in effect=实际上

to use the term preferred by specialists in the ancient Near East 不定式短语作插入语:使用研究古近东问题的专家们偏爱的术语——archives。即files和archives是同义词,后者为专家偏爱使用的术语。

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