1 see的用法

Although the climate changed at the end of the Pleistocene, warming trends had happened before. A period of massive extinction of large mammals like that seen about 11,000 years ago had not occurred during the previous 400,000 years, despite these changes. The only apparently significant difference in the Americas 11,000 years ago was the presence of human hunters of these large mammals. Was this coincidence or cause-and-effect?

请问老师,这里的see是什么用法?是指某件事情被看见发生了吗? 字典上貌似没有找到相关释义。

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最佳答案 2019-10-14 08:29

A period of massive extinction of large mammals like that seen about 11,000 years ago had not occurred during the previous 400,000 years.

1. 这句话的主干是:A period had not occurred (这样一个阶段并未出现)。

2. seen about 11,000 years ago,是过去分词作 mammals 的定语。

3. 关于seen 的含义,其实就是本义的引申,翻译时要变通。这里并不是指哺乳动物“被人类看见/发现”,而是指它们“客观存在的/出现的/具有的”。所以,这个词组应该这样翻译:

mammals seen about 11,000 years ago:出现在一万一千年之前的哺乳动物

4. see 和 find 都有这种用法。例如:

animal fats found in red meat 红肉中存在的动物脂肪

excellent qualities seen in her 她身上具有的优秀品质

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  • Richard 提出于 2019-10-13 17:29
