
Recurring revenue is the portion of the revenue that is going to continue in the future. It provides a growing base of revenue on which management can rely while focusing on ways to grow the business.

on which, 为什这里要加介词on?

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最佳答案 2019-10-08 20:14

介词on 跟rely 有关。因为rely 是不及物动词,无法直接跟宾语,需要介词on 做中介,然后才可以接宾语。所以,我们常说:rely on sth. ,这个sth. 就是关系代词which, 它是on 的宾语。这里是介词用在关系代词which 之前的一个例子。

“介词 + 关系代词”结构 讲解:

“介词 + which” 就是把介词提到关系代词which 之前,它是定语从句中常见的语言现象,也是一些网友不易掌握的一个语法项目,问题的关键是这个“介词”较难确定。但它是有规律可循的,有以下几种情况,详解如下:

1. “介词 + which”可以替代关系副词when, where, why


I'll never forget the day on which (=when) my son was born.

我永远忘不了我儿子出生的那一天。(on依据on the day确定)

The year in which (=when) the earthquake happened was 2008.

发生地震的那年是2008年。(in依据in the year确定)

(2) 替代where

This is the office in which (=where) I used to work.这就是我过去工作过的办公室。(in依据in the office确定)

He forgot the exact place in which (=where) he had hidden the jewelry.

他忘记了埋藏珠宝的确切地点。(in依据in the place确定)

(3) 替代why

I'd like you to explain the reason for which (=why) you refused my offer.

我想让你解释一下你拒绝我的帮助的原因。(for依据for the reason确定)

2. 依据与先行词搭配的具体意义确定使用什么介词

I'll never forget the time during which I was with my friends in the country.

我永远不会忘记和朋友们一起在乡村度过的时光。(during依据during the time确定)

I will offer you a better way in which you can do the job.

我要给你提供一个做这项工作较好的办法。(in依据in a better way确定)

3. 依据定语从句中动词或形容词的搭配来确定介词

She bought several clothes, on which she spent all her money.


It is the grammar rules of which I am not sure.

我没有把握的就是语法规则。(of依据be sure of确定)

4. 根据定语从句所表达的具体意思来确定介词

Can you see the river across which there is a bridge?


He is swimming in the river, on which there is a boat.


Here is the river in which I used to swim.



有些“动词+介词”短语被视为一个固定的词组,不可分割。这时不能把介词置于关系代词前,如:listen to, look at, look for, look after, care for, hear from, send for,等。

This is the right book for which I'm looking. (误)

This is the right book that I'm looking for. (正)


此外,除了“介词 + which”以外,如果定语从句的先行词是“人”,那么也可以用“介词+whom”引导定语从句,例如:Mary is the girl for whom I bought this gift. 玛丽就是那个我为其买此礼物的女孩。

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