
What good is a video if no one is seeing it?


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最佳答案 2019-09-04 14:51

What good is a video if no one is seeing it?

1 这是一个修辞性问句,不需要回答。等于一个否定的陈述句。

= A video is no good if no one is seeing it.

2 good在此是名词,= use 。意为:用处、好处。

= A video is no use if no one is seeing it.

3 从主句为一般现在时表示现在,可知if从句并不是用现在时代替将来时,从句的现在进行时表示现阶段不断发生的事件。下面例句能很好说明现在进行时的这种用法:

People are dying of cancer these days.



People are seeing/watching the video these days. 改用everyone作主语则为:

Everyone is seeing the video these days.


No one is seeing the video. 这句话还是表示临时习惯。

4 一部录像带发行后,没有人观看,发行这部录像带有什么用处呢?没用处!

What good is a video if no one is seeing it?

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  • 1 收藏,3376 浏览
  • Eric198226   提出于 2019-09-03 09:28
