change与change to的用法问题

The outcome of the review is likely to be just a tweak to its target or  communications policy and a decision not to change to its tools.

请问老师change to its tools的to是否多余?

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最佳答案 2019-07-15 13:04

change to its tools 中的to, 不是多余,而是“非要不可”。



A changes B: 事物A 改变了事物B。  (change 是及物动词)

A changes to B: 事物A 变成了事物B。(change 是不及物动词)

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其它 1 个回答


赞同刘老师的解答。这里的not to change to its tools意为“不会变成被利用的具”

原文(, the outcome of the review is likely to be just a tweak to the Fed’s target or its communications policy and a decision not to change to its tools.


change“改变”和change to“变成”的意义是不一样的。借此机会,列举Frederick T. Wood《英语介词习语词典》中的用法以作参考:

change into:


The conjuror changed the handkerchief into a white rabbit.魔术师吧手帕变成了一只白兔。

A caterpillar changes into a butterfly.毛虫变成蝴蝶。

2)换衣服,into后面表示所穿衣物(例如:change into one;s best suit换上自己最好的一套衣服;change into evening dress换上晚礼服。)

change to:


The weather is likely to be fine in the morning, but in the afternoon it will change to rain.早晨天气看样子是晴天,但到下午就要变天,下雨了。


He went through the accounts and changed the 3's to 8's.他详细地查看了账目,并且把三先令改为八先令。

When she marries, a woman usually change her surname to that of husband.妇女一结婚,通常就改姓她丈夫的姓。


We used to heat our house by coal fires, but we have recently changed to sentral heating.我们家一向用煤火取暖,但最近我们改用暖气取暖。

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  • xialeilalala 提出于 2019-07-11 23:17
