
韦氏高阶》(p1294)中may 表可能,有如下例子: — used to indicate that something is possible or probable  It may possibly be true, mightn't it? [=(less formally) it could possibly be true, couldn't it?]  May it not [=mightn't it, (less formally) couldn't it] after all turn out to be true? 怎么解释??

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最佳答案 2020-01-19 11:32

这是词典在解释现代英语中,may 和 not的缩合形式 mayn't 已经几乎不用了,而用mightn't 代替,或者在本应该用缩合形式的地方,不缩合。

原则上讲,反意问句的问句部分的操作词应该与陈述部分的操作词相同,如果问句是否定的,要采用操作词和not的缩合形式。但是,may与not的缩合形式 mayn't 现在已经很少使用,所以:

It may possibly be true, mightn't it?/ may it not?

问句部分要么非正式语体用过去形式might’t it? 要么正式语体中可用 may it not?

否定问句在非正式语体通常采用操作词和not的缩合形式。may的否定问句要么用mightn't , 要么不缩合(正式)。

May it not after all turn out to be true? (正式语体)

Mightn't it after all turn out to be true? (非正式语体)

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  • simoncn 提出于 2019-07-10 10:35
