“I'm not sure about whether I shall go. I am the most incurably lazy devil that ever stood in shoe leather -- that is, when the fit is on me, for I can be spry enough at times.”
“Why, it is just such a chance as you have been longing for.”
① that ever stood in shoe leather 是什么含义?曾经站在鞋革里面的?好像不太对,作者也没有给出对应的译文。shoe leather 韦氏给出的含义是:(adj.) involving or using basic, direct, or old-fashioned methods,这个释义是指(鞋革还是其他东西?)包含或使用基础、直接、老旧的方法,好像这个释义也不太对
② for在这里作者译为:尽管。我查了词典,只有for all才表示“尽管”之意。单独的 for是否应该译为: “因为”?
I was amazed at the calm way in which he rippled on. "Surely there is not a moment to be lost," I cried, "shall I go and order you a cab?"
"I'm not sure about whether I shall go. I am the most incurably lazy devil that ever stood in shoe leather--that is, when the fit is on me, for I can be spry enough at times."
"Why, it is just such a chance as you have been longing for."
前文说他们接到一封信,希望他们最好是12点赶到Lauriston Gardens
1. stood in shoe leather ---
a. 字面意是能穿皮革类衣物(不一定是光指鞋子),即最低限度,能有跑腿的鞋穿的
b. 引申义是穿的蛮好,能赚到钱维持自己过这种生活。 a/b其实差不多的意思。
c. 这句根本不是固定词组
d. stand也可换成keep
e. 两个划线部分,一定得有关联。
2. for---是“因为”的词义。这种地方,一般低水平读者是上下关联不起来的,总感觉“讲飞了”。其实,华生望一眼福尔摩斯的穿戴,接下来,福尔摩斯就补上这句话,那就很正常了:你看我为什么能穿这样的衣物?因为我有时我做事也是很勤快的(所以能赚到这钱)。
3. can 是说平时,此次迅捷不迅捷,不一定。因而助手下一句就直接催了。因为前文说福尔摩斯一直在搞血液方面的研究,这次机会来了,你还不快去,还在紧得磨叽。
“I'm not sure about whether I shall go. I am the most incurably lazy devil that ever stood in shoe leather -- that is, when the fit is on me, for I can be spry enough at times.”
(《福尔摩斯探案集》血字的研究 A Study In Scarlet)
中文版的《福尔摩斯探案集》,也没有把这个定语从句that ever stood in shoe leather 翻译出来。我考虑,可能译者对这个stand in shoe leather 也不太清楚。于是,我查了一下idiom 词典,发现了含有shoe leather 的这个习语。
Shoe - Idioms by The Free Dictionary: be (as) tough as shoe leather 意为“非常坚韧;十分顽固”。
I am the most incurably lazy devil that ever stood in shoe leather.
for 表示原因,不可能是让步,它是针对这句话的:那只是当我的懒劲儿上来的时候才这样。