
If you wonder how these thriving business tycoons reach the ladder of success, it is because they excel at creating and developing relationships apart from their hard work and intelligence.


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最佳答案 2019-06-08 18:45


1 预见性条件句(predictive conditional)


If it rains, the match will be cancelled.

2 whenever-型条件句(whenever-type conditional)

这种条件句中,if在意义上等于when, whenever, 主句和从句都表示习惯意义,任何时候从句的动作发生,主句的动作就会发生。例如,

If it rained, he went to work by bus.

3 引申性条件句 (implicational conditional)


If he said that, he must be a fool.

4 解说性条件句(explanatory conditional)


If you are going out, it's raining.

If you want to know, I have'nt seen him.


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刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

If you wonder how these thriving business tycoons reach the ladder of success, it is because they excel at creating and developing relationships apart from their hard work and intelligence.



if 条件句表达一种假设,而代词it 则是指代if 条件句的内容。because 引导表语从句,说明条件句表示内容的原因。注意:而非条件句本身。 类似的例句:

If you do not get all you ask, it is because the Saviour intends to give you something better.  如果你没有得到一切祈求的,这是因为救主打算给你最好的。

If you encountered any issues with it, it is because of your own implementation.  如果您遇到任何问题,那是因为你自己的执行问题。

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mengxin Z

If you wonder how these thriving business tycoons reach the ladder of success, it is because they excel at creating and developing relationships apart from their hard work and intelligence. If在这里引导的什么从句,如果是条件从句,表达的意思有点怪。

= If you wonder how these thriving business tycoons reach the ladder of success, (let me tell you) it is because they excel at creating and developing relationships apart from their hard work and intelligence.


(apart from= on top of ; in addition to; besides)

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我觉得粗犷的分类来说的话,也可以叫条件句,但是很明显,楼主感觉到了这个句子和其他条件句子不一样。如果要细分的话,这个叫做外加状语。楼主的句子太长了,我说一个简单点的类比一下就明白了。since/if you want to know.,he has failed. 如果按一般的条件句理解的话,如果你想知道他就输了(言外之意是,你不想知道的话,他就不会说)。这不符合情理。所以这句话应该按外加状语理解,表达的是说话人说话的动机。

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  • Eric198226   提出于 2019-06-08 10:59
